Starting 2nd week of MKMMA

Wow, so much to evaluate and digest. Empowering , Enlightening & Life Changing.

Sometimes when we look at making changes in our lives it’s easy to think, “We haven’t done too bad.” I’ve been married to my best friend for 38 years and have many Wins. However…….I can see where it Would have Been Better if I had know how to apply what I’m learning now. Excited about the next 38 years and more.

I understand why Davene said what she did to mothers & teachers. There is a huge Blueprint set out by others. Most I felt was very good, but how many start our with their oxygen mask on themselves before family. This has been a Lesson I started learning & applying a few years back. NEW to Me was the Personal Pivotal Needs. My first DMP included Financial Freedom & Helping others yet when I really analyzed the 7 with all honesty I came up with …….#6 Recognition for Creative Expression & #7 True Health.

In my profile you’ll see I’m a Wellness Coach, sharing the things that have allowed me a huge measure of wellness after many years of illness.  I’m still working on Re-Building healthy cells and this Course with Mark, Davene & the Team here at MKMMA is helping me Replace what I’ve chosen to Release, Delete & Purge out of my Mind, Body & Spirit with Strong Healthy Habits. I’m very excited.

As I Fulfill my PPN as a True Health & Wellness Coach I will always have the other 5 on the list of PPN’s.

I always keep my promises. I love writing it but there is some resistance in my body because of the healing challenges I’m still working with. So, I must be more careful as I step out to help others. So I can keep my promises.

Sitting quiet and not thinking was not so easy.It will be with practice.

I’m going to share a Technique I’ve been using to RE-Build for total wellness. It’s not part of my business yet. I offer it freely and did ask Mark’s permission to share it. It has helped me so much. On tomorrows Blog I will add the next step. It’s been my experience that it only enhances what we’ve been given to do here in this group. You can use as you sit quietly for 15 minutes. I’d love to have your feedback as well.

Here is the link. It is a video with slides.

Until tomorrow. Agape’ Darlene

About strongleadermk

I'm a Self Taught Wellness Solutions Coach. I'm happily married now 38 years to my Best Friend Glenn. Together we raised one son now married to his beautiful Best Friend and we're Nana & Papa to 2 beautiful granddaughters. We have extended family we love as well. As a Net-worker I believe in Sharing the Benefits of things I use each day to enhance our life. I'll only share these things.
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8 Responses to Starting 2nd week of MKMMA

  1. Hi Darlene,
    Great blog, really insightful. I plan on looking at your site, sounds really cool. I have a background in fitness and health as well…..It’s been one of my life’s passion and I have my parents to thank for that!…..Anyway, my internet speed is some kind of slow tonight so I gave up for now….will try again tomorrow. I’ve just added your site to my blog…..looking forward to following your posts. Have a great week!

    • Thank you Lisa,
      I’ll be adding you to mine as well as soon as I get that step in my head.
      Sorry your internet is slow. Rather challenging.

      Happy to hear you had a good start for fitness I health. I have to say mine was with teenagers and illness.
      So much was based around pain & drs. Not an easy Blueprint to change but I’m working on it one step at a time.

      I’m looking forward to reading more posts for this week. I’ll go check yours.
      Agape’ Darlene

  2. mark j says:

    Just wonderful stuff……from the heart

    I love the ‘reevaluating’ your DMP with PPNs……so much courage

    You’re going to help 1000s of people……just like you always wanted to

    mark j

  3. Jim McGregor says:

    Darlene, your words really lift me up. Thank you for posting this.

    The MMA is supposed to be beneficial I didn’t understand how beneficial it could be until I started to read the blogs and now I have seen your video. It makes me stronger.

    All the best

    • Thank you for your kind words Jim. I’m so happy my video encouraged you.
      I’ve been working with this Technique for over 4 years.
      First as a now and again treatment by a professional.
      About 2 years ago I designed a program I could use and
      I teach others to use every day if needed. It has been HUGE in my Re-Programing.
      Now this MKMMA will fill in the rest.

      I looked around your blog. You have much more experience in web design then I do.
      I’m sure we will continue to learn from each other on the Journey to Success.
      I will attempt to connect your blog to mine. Somethings take me awhile to get it even
      with Davene’s great video’s.

      Agape’ Darlene

  4. mkdanmyerssr says:

    Hi Darlene,
    I always feel uplifted after I read your blog because you write, from so very deep in your heart.
    It shows that you really care, about what you do and all around you.
    It also shown, to me, in the messages you’ve sent me.
    I appreciate those, a lot.

  5. Thank you for your kind words Dan. I believe being part of a Master Mind Alliance is ALL about Encouraging one another.
    In the world in general, it seems most people are just out for themselves with no thought of the other person.
    Yet here on the Team everyone wants to share how this Journey is truly changing their lives. I can feel so many changes going on right now a I read others posts.

    Mark & Davene have given so much of themselves with these scholarships. Let’s just keep on helping each other Succeed.

    You keep up the great work on your journey Dan.
    Agape’ Darlene

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